Botones en Amp HTML

Botones - Elementos en Amp HTML Regular Button Classes Old...
Botones - Elementos en Amp HTML Regular Button Classes Old...

Botones - Elementos en Amp HTML

Regular Button Classes

Oldschool buttons that fit all needs.

Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button

Rounded Button Classes

Oldschool buttons that fit all needs.

Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button

3D Button Classes

Oldschool buttons that fit all needs.

Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button

Icon Button Classes

Icon buttons are simple to use and they are powered by the huge 400 icon library that is Font Awesome. They are so easy to use you’ll fall in love with them in a heart beat!

Social Sharing Buttons

Social sharing buttons can either be simple buttons, or you can use the ball icon approach.

Rounded Sharing Icons

As an alternate solution, you can also use icons to share or show off your social networks.

Square Social Icons

As an alternate solution, you can also use icons to share or show off your social networks

Button size variations

We’ve included the most used and most important sizes of buttons you can use by simply adding a class to any button template included.

The double liner

When your options need to attract a bit more attention, you can use a line breaker. Two buttons that center up and do their jobs by attracting the attention required.